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Temple B'nai B'rith of Wilkes-Barre, PA joyfully embraces Judaism as a way of life through prayer, music, social action, celebrating Jewish holidays, lifelong learning, and life cycle events. Through these activities, we seek to promote spiritual growth, moral values, and the social welfare of our community.
The New Year is upon us. I pause and look back to look ahead.
I’ve realized that sometimes I squander my gifts. I am blessed with a lot for which I should be, and I am thankful. I live a blessed life with a loving partner, family, friends, inspiring and rewarding work, and Rashi, the Portuguese Wonder (water) Dog.
But when things are good, we tend to take them for granted. When we don’t appreciate them thoroughly, we risk losing them. We all must continue nurturing them so they do not slip away from neglect.
It is too easy to forget that. We can all be neglectful, expecting the good things to always be there.
So, let’s not squander our gifts. Take a moment to reflect on what is truly meaningful in your life. Commit to celebrating and nurturing our core values and relationships. And make sure to let those special people in your lives know it. Do not take any of it for granted.
I enter the year hoping to focus on the truly important things, the people, and the values I hold dear. I hope you do that, too, as we enter 2025.
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year!
~Rabbi David
Temple B'nai B'rith Rabbi Search Committee
I am honored to serve as the Chair of the Temple B'nai B'rith Settled Rabbi Search Committee. Our committee includes TBB President Adam Thalenfeld, Vice-President Sam Brand, Richard Abramowitz, Jeff Fremont, Ellie Miller, Michael Polgar, Alex Rogers, and Adina Rosenthal. Knowing the dedication to our community, years of experience, and sechel in this group, you can understand why I've been calling it a "rockstar committee." Together, we're on a mission to find an incredible new leader for our temple.
With the help of Rabbi Levin, we have submitted our application to the Central Conference of American Rabbis. We're excited to hear from interested rabbis over the next few months and in the new year. Once we receive applications, we'll carefully review them and schedule interviews. So for now, we wait with anticipation and excitement.
B'shalom, Paula Chaiken, Chair, Temple B'nai B'rith Rabbi Search Committee
Feed the Hungry
Traditionally, we have had a food drive during the high holidays. With all the changes, this important mitzvah fell through the cracks. However, the needs of the hungry did not abate. Sara’s Table has been the food pantry we support.
Please bring non-perishable food items to the Freedman JCC at
613 S J Strauss Lane, Kingston, Pa 18704
Helping to feed the hungry is part of what we are supposed to do. Please contribute.
Thank you to everyone who participated in MLK Day. It was an opportunity to give back and acknowledge we are connected to each other. But please remember this was a step in the work that needs to be done. The sharing and support with others is an ongoing process. It started on the 20th and continues every day. Let's join hand in hand and move forward together.
TBB and Scranton Area Foundation Support Seniors
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Contact Rabbi Levin
The Rabbi is “in”
I hope to support you whenever you need it.
Whether it is a sickness or a Simcha or any spiritual or emotional support, if I can help you, please contact me via the Temple phone or through the form below.
Rest assured, everything, including your inquiry, is handled with the utmost confidentiality and respect for your privacy.
Mon, February 10 2025
12 Sh'vat 5785
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 12 TBB Board Meeting Wednesday, Feb 12 6:00pm |
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This week's Torah portion is Parashat Yitro
Shabbat, Feb 15 |
Tu BiSh'vat
Thursday, Feb 13 |
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