Adult Education
Adult Ed at Temple B'nai Brith
Temple B'nai Brith Adult Ed 2024-2025
Here are three classes in the upcoming year:
-The Shiva Minyan
What is the Shiva Minyan? Creating community and bringing comfort to the mourners
-The "Why" of end-of-life rituals
There are many rituals, and each is there for a reason. Learn the wisdom of our tradition
-The Conversation Project
Have you had the conversation? End-of-life decision-making is uncomfortable and challenging, but sharing what you want is essential.
What would you like to learn?
There is so much to engage with and learn from.
We can learn for learning’s sake
We can learn to help you grow personally and understand the world around you better.
Adult Ed will start in the Fall, providing a wonderful opportunity to connect with others who share your interests. Please reach out to Rabbi David and let him know what topics you're interested in. You'll be part of a community of like-minded individuals.
Some of the topics include:
- Learning the Shiva Minyan
- Meeting your Inner Elder- Living your Legacy
- The Why behind the End-of-Life rituals we use
- Ethical Wills
- Taking charge of our destiny- Expressing our desires at the end of life for our sake and our children.
I eagerly await your response and look forward to hearing from you!
Rabbi David
Torah Study '24-'25
Let’s Study Torah!
Torah Study is back! I am delighted to engage in the words of Torah together.
Starting This month, we will reconvene our Torah Study group. The following schedule is for our in-person times for the ‘24-‘25 year. We will meet on Saturdays as follows.
I look forward to sharing our insights into this precious text as it unveils her wisdom to us.
La'asok B'Divrei Torah!
What is Antisemitism?
Antisemitism Education (short University video).
Mon, February 10 2025
12 Sh'vat 5785
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This week's Torah portion is Parashat Yitro
Shabbat, Feb 15 |
Tu BiSh'vat
Thursday, Feb 13 |
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